Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Grand Sanctuary Vanguard

Lately I've been looking at other Vanguard blogs for help with a few decks as well as looking at reasons for putting some cards in decks. The biggest problem with this is the main deck lists weren't relevant to me. Some cards were thrown in just for popularity, some didn't seem to be useful aside from a small +1 or -1 to the opponent. This really got to me, as these players looked like they knew what they were doing, yet seemed to follow the bandwagon of certain cards being useful.

So naturally, I want to get my voice out there about some of the overused and underrated cards.

However, instead of just complaining about some cards, I want to give my own insight on the cards coming out and even have the other members of Grand Sanctuary Vanguard share their thoughts in the process. We do have a YouTube Channel, but I believe this blog will be an easier way of communicating our feelings about Vanguard, and the turns Bushiroad are making as the series continues.

This blog will not only cover cards and decks, but in some posts may even shed light into the lore of Cray. After all, without a little imagination and storytelling, card games seem to grow dull over time, especially when making a transition from a casual player to a professional.

Let it be known that most of the info that we go into depth with is of future releases in Japan and English formats. The era of Limit Break is past, and the era of Break Ride is coming slowly to a close as we approach Legion in English and Generation Stride in Japan. We may cover lore from the past generations, but most card strategies will be of the future eras.

Well, I believe that about covers the intro. Please let us know of your opinions as well as giving advice for the future. We here at Grand Sanctuary Vanguard encourage trying new things and new ways to cardfight. We hope to be of some help bringing others into the world of Cardfight!! Vanguard!

Ride On.

Daltorus and the members of Grand Sanctuary Vanguard.

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