Friday, January 9, 2015

Ultimate Raizer Mega-flare Deck Profile

The Raizers were first a series of Stand Triggers for the Nova Grappler clan, with the ability to recycle themselves. Then they became a full sub-clan with the release of Perfect Raizer and the Raizer Customs. Now after the Beast Deities and the Blaus, the Raizers have returned in the advent of Legion to push the battle even further!

Thursday, January 8, 2015

The Wayword Writer Ryan

I partook in a Tournament created by the Van-Guardians group on Facebook. While I myself did not get very far, I do want to give an honorable mention to my friend and teammate, Ryan Adams (TheWaywordWriter) For coming in second place of the tournament.

 I honestly am happy for him, because it has not been even a year since he started Vanguard, and he is already playing on a somewhat international stage with professional players. When he started he had chosen the Gold Paladin clan, contrary to my Shadow Paladins, and since has never built another clan deck in his career. Deeming the Gold Paladins his clan, he stuck with them through thick and thin, and with the other members of the soon to be created Grand Sanctuary Vanguard, he has grown into a power Cardfighter who knows how to bring out the best of his clan.

We've been through the 2014 Team Tournament and the 2014 Regionals, and every step we both have grown. But if I had to say who was the better cardfighter all around....I would honestly say it was Ryan. Ryan focuses on his own strategy, knowing how his deck works and practicing to better understand what situations he can get in, while I focus on finding strategies that work with me. Sure bot of us have our moments, but Ryan loves to put passion into his games.

If I have anything to say, it's that Ryan Adams is one of the best Cardfighters I know of. Not because I think he is the top player, but he is strong, skilled, and even in a serious situation he can find fun in the game. Anyone who can put in energy into the game and make it fun for both sides is worthy of being called a great Cardfighter.

Thanks for an awesome year so far, Ryan.
