Friday, January 9, 2015

Ultimate Raizer Mega-flare Deck Profile

The Raizers were first a series of Stand Triggers for the Nova Grappler clan, with the ability to recycle themselves. Then they became a full sub-clan with the release of Perfect Raizer and the Raizer Customs. Now after the Beast Deities and the Blaus, the Raizers have returned in the advent of Legion to push the battle even further!

Raizers starting out focused heavily on the gimmick of having a certain Raizer in the same column to upgrade their power. While that gimmick still is present, the Raizers no longer are required to have it for powered plays. This helps create more diverse playstyles that can mix Raizers with other cards.

Now, let's look at the main Legion cards that drive this deck:

Ultimate Raizer Mega-flare

LEGION: Ultimate Raizer Dual-flare

AUTO: (V) When this unit attacks a Vanguard, if this unit is Legion, and the number of Rest units you have is four or more, this unit gets +1 Critical until the end of that battle.

AUTO: (V) When this unit's attack hits a Vanguard, if you have another card with "Raizer" in its card name in your middle column, choose one of your rear-guards and Stand it.

This card is the main Legion card, and it shows. A natural critical for having only 4 rested units, and since the Vanguard while in Legion counts as 2 units, that means only 2 more units are needed for this skill to activate. This pressures your opponent, especially if you have pushed them in the earlier turns. 

His second skill also gives reason for your opponent not to let Mega-flare hit, as it will only result in another attack by one of the rearguards. This makes it a lot easier to combo with other cards and triggers for multiple massive attacks. It's only weak point is it lacks a power boost of its own, easily being blocked by 2 cards with a 20k base, and at most it will only become 27k which isn't too threatening. 

Now let's look at this card's Mate:

Ultimate Raizer Dual-flare

AUTO: (R) During the turn that your Vanguard preformed Legion, when your Vanguard attacks, Stand this unit, and gets +5000 Power until the end of turn. This ability cannot be used for the rest of that turn.

This card works in tandem with its Legion, which most Mates should. He ensures you will be getting an extra attack during the turn you Legion, and if you happen to land a hit with your Legioned Mega-flare, you can stand up the unit behind Dual-flare for another full column attack plus a minimum 5k boost. The only drawback will be performing Legion, but for an extra attack, pulling it off at least once will be enough to get extra pressure. 

This being the main Legion and the main strategy, it will not be needed to review the other Legion. However, there is one card I do want to show that puts this deck into its prime form, and has made this deck famous: 

Cat Butler

AUTO: (R) [Retire this unit] At the beginning of the close step of the battle that your Vanguard attacked, if the attack did not hit during that battle, you may pay the cost. If you do, choose one of your grade 2 or less <Nova Grappler> Vanguards, and Stand it. 

This card was released on the Comic Style Extra Booster, and at the time it's ability was underwhelming because of the limitation of Grade 2 or less Vanguards. However, this changed when Legion arrived. According to the official rulings of the game, if you Stand one part of the Legion, you Stand both parts of the Legion. This means even if you are targeting the Grade 2 part of the Legion, you will be able to Stand both cards, allowing another Legion Attack. Cat Butler takes this advantage to heart, as it works perfectly with Mega-flare. If the attack hits, it's a critical and a standing rearguard they will face. If they choose to guard it, then Cat Butler will give you another chance for the play as well as an extra twin drive. It was for this reason that Cat Butler was limited to 2 copies in the deck. 

Now this is usually the part where I would run down the entire deck list, however, that seems to be where I've seen a split in uses. The deck cn either entirely focus on the restand, using draw triggers and critical triggers to boost offense and defense, or go for an all out attack on all stages, using recycling Stand Triggers instead of draws. This changes the dynamic of the deck, yet for simplicity I shall show both trigger lineups for the deck:

Grade 0 x21
1x Transmigrating Evolution, Miraioh
4x Cat Butler
4x Red Lightning (Critical)
2x Meteoraizer (Critical)
2x Battleraizer and 4x Subliminal Grey(Aggressive) (Stands)/4x Raizer Crew and 2x The Gong (Balanced) (Draw)
4x Raizer Girl, Kate (Heal)

Grade 1 x13
3x Screamin' and Dancin' Announcer, Shout
4x Jetraizer
2x Energy Charger
2x Twin Blader (PG)
2x Shieldraizer (PG)

Grade 2 x10
4x Ultimate Raizer, Dual-flare
4x Phoenix Raizer Flame Wing
2x Transraizer

Grade 3 x6
4x Ultimate Raizer Mega-flare
2x Phoenix Raizer Drill Wing

Winning Image:

With this deck, there were many cards that could have been added, though this seems to be the most sound and consistent build. With the triggers being different, however, your way of playing will have to change. Also, if you wish to play by Japanese restrictions, replace 2 Cat Butlers with a Shout and Drill Wing

The starter for this deck is Miraioh, since your Grade 3's are fewer than a normal deck. This helps you get Mega-flare for any purpose, whether a first time ride or a re-ride for more Legion. 

The triggers for the Balanced build are 6 crit and 6 draw, Red Lightning able to unflip damage and fuel the soul for soul lasts. However the Aggressive build are more advanced. Battleraizer becomes a 6k Raizer booster that returns itself to the deck after use, but what's even more interesting is Subliminal Grey. This is a Stand trigger with an ability where you can Soul Blast 1 to return it to the bottom of the deck, draw, and then shuffle. This not only puts a trigger back into the deck, but replaces it with a potentially more useful card. 

For Grade 1's, Shout is a great card to put in this deck, since like Lein for Royal Paladins, it molds your hand while also prepping your drop zone for Legion. And this card even works in the Aggressive deck since he could become Stand by a trigger or Mega-flare, making him more versite with his Rest ability. Jetraizer is a decent booster tha helps with more stand potential, since if he boosts and hits, you can use him to stand a Raizer rearguard.  Energy Charger uses your soul for extra draws, filling your hand  even faster. Twin Blader or any other Nova Grappler Perfect Guard can be used, but Shieldraizer is a Quintet Wall, which is very handy for filling the drop zone as well as keeping your hand. Since this deck runs few Counterblasts for its main goal, running 2 Shieldraizers is recommended. 

For Grade 2's, Dual-flare is key, as well as Flame Wing, since it is also a Legion Mate and a 12k Raizer attacker. Transraizer is helpful to fill up your field without using your hand, although you might get unlucky and get a grade 0 or 3, more likely 0. It works well with the deck, regardless. 

For Grade 3's, Mega-flare should be your main goal. For support and a back up ride should you not get Mega-flare, Drill Wing does do a good enough job of rushing with power. Drill Wing works in both versions of the deck, whether giving massive bonuses to the rearguards with its triggers in Balanced or standing up the boosters in Aggressive. The only downside is his ability costs 2 Counterblasts, which can be costly when using Miraioh, Jetraizer and Shieldraizer before it.

Final Thoughts:
Depending on how you enjoy playing, you're choice of triggers is up to you. If you like security in your hand and field, I suggest the Balanced deck. If you like fast rushes and wish to end the game quickly, Id recommend the Aggressive build. On that note, Raizers have shown their strength to compete with the more supported decks of Legion, and shouldn't be overlooked. 

This is my honest opinion.


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