Saturday, December 13, 2014

Boss Card Battle: Daunting Deletor Oksizz Vs. Juxtapose Deletor, Zaele

Deletors are currently small in numbers compared to other Sub Clans, but they have leaders that can hold those numbers well. These creatures seek to eliminate all life on Cray without a second thought.

And the beings that lead them are known as Daunting Deletor, Oksizz and Juxtapose Deletor, Zaele.

These two cards are two of three cards able to Delete the Vanguard. This power is the main focus of the Deletor Sub Clan, where the power of the Vanguard is dropped to zero and the text aside from the name is nullified. All that is really left is the name and grade of the Vanguard, even if it is in Legion.

But even though these are two different cards that have a powerful effect, they seem to have a different play style based on their effects and how they play off their Deletion ability, the main difference being their costs and how they get around the high cost needed to fulfill their true power.

So, here is my opinions on how the cards are, both in good and bad perspectives.

First is the first Boss Card to have appeared that showed what Deletors could really do:

Daunting Deletor, Oksizz

ACT: (V) [CB 3 card with "Deletor" in its name & Choose one of your rear-guards, and put it into your soul] Delete all of your opponent's vanguards, and this unit gets +10000 Power until the end of your turn.

AUTO: (V) At the beginning of your opponent's ride phase, if your opponent has a deleted vanguard, your opponent may choose a card from their hand and discard it. If your opponent does not, your opponent cannot normal ride during that ride phase.

Daunting Deletor, Oksizz was the first unit with the ability of Deleting, and even then, he was widely revered for his ability to truly keep his power even more threatening. See, Deleting can easily be overcome by riding over the Vanguard. But Oksizz has the unique ability to hinder the opponent's ride phase with a simple cost. No matter what happens, your opponent will have the inconvenience of losing a card to ride over their weakened vanguard. 

His Deleting ability is also a very threatening, as he gains 2 stages of power. This promotes his ability to pressure your opponent as he will either force 3 cards out of hand or a perfect guard or Quintet Wall, as well as give your rearguard attacks more freedom to rush. Since some rearguards have the ability to lock upon hitting the deleted Vanguard, this will harm your opponent's hand if you can plan your attacks correctly.

But of course this power comes at a very, very hefty cost. an Especial Counterblast of 3 cards as well as putting a rear-guard into the soul. This means that you will have to plan using your cards wisely. Using this ability shouldn't be taken lightly, as it is only rare you use it two times or more. 

Deletion comes with a 10k boost

Freedom to Delete without specific conditions

Hinders Riding with a Discard.

High cost of Deleting

Especial Counterblast hinders flexibility.

Now here is the other contender that also has the power of Deleting:

Juxtapose Deletor, Zaele

LEGION: Juxtapose Deletor: Gaele

AUTO: (V) [CB 2 and Choose a card from your hand, and discard it.] When this unit Legions, you may pay the cost. If you do, delete all of your opponent's Vanguards.

AUTO: (V) When this unit attacks a Vanguard, this unit gets +2000 power until the end of that battle.

This unit is a Legion Deletor, capable of putting back cards into the deck and be a 22k base attacker. Legion is also how you activate it's Deleting ability. The main difference between Zaele and Oksizz is the Counterblast, as Zaele does not need Deletors to counterblast and only needs 2 counterblasts, as well as a discard for payment. This helps you use this Deletion multiple times and get the benefits of Legion added to it.

This card is also versatile, as you can mix other Link Joker cards with this card aside from Deletors. This helps with making decks focused on suppression and making sure your opponent cannot do much by both locking and Deleting. 

However, Zaele has flaws that are more with how the game itself plays rather than hindering itself. The Deleting ability is limited to Preforming Legion, which means to reuse the effect, you must ride another copy of Zaele on top of your current Zaele. This is very tedious as Grade 3 Searching cards take up your precious Counterblasts, making you rely on draws.

Also, since Zaele does not have the ride hindering effect of Oksizz, riding is not an issue for your opponent, and only serves as a minor setback. This means your mostly be deleting for the attacking pressure rather than defense. 

And like Oksizz, having to use a card for the payment is very tedious. It's hard enough to replenish cards for Deletion effects, but when you need cards in the drop zone early game for their Legion, there will be a point where you will be severely weak unless you can follow up with another Deletion. And unlike Oksizz who can use existing rearguards or throwaway rearguards from the hand, Zaele is limited to only the hand. 

Legion returns needed cards to the hand

Deleting has less cost and allows more flexibility in unit choice.

Constant high power while in Legion.

Legion requires early guarding and limits hand size.

Deleting can only be preformed by preforming Legion

Can easily be cancelled by riding over the deleted vanguard

Both cards have ups and downs, and while Deletors have a bad case of being weak in hand size, it's made up by their ability to zero out the Vanguard and not only hit for massive pressure, but also require the opponent to ride in order to make an effective attack. However, in my personal opinion:

I would choose Daunting Deletor, Oksizz.

Oksizz does have a high cost, but there are many cards that can play off of the deletion, which includes soulblasting and unflipping damage. You won't waste too many cards guarding attacks, and once you delete, you can have an easy turn of guarding to the point where the reduced hand size will be mute. Zaele can do the same, but it cannot follow up as well as Oksizz since you must preform Legion again, and Oksizz also hinders the opponent enough with his second effect to where the pressure of Deleting will overcome the opponent. 

That's my honest opinion. If you want, please leave your opinion or questions in the comments below, as well as any future suggestions for this segment.

Until next time:


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