Monday, December 15, 2014

Great Nature: The Foxes Legion Deck Profile

In this great world, we humans seem to be the ones with the most intelligence that we currently know. We study hard and we work to improve our lives with the knowledge we have obtained over many centuries of trials.

But now the tables have turned, and the animals have began to step up and take researching into their own hands! This is the way of the Great Nature University!

Great Nature is one of the few clans that has been in an under-produced and under appreciated cycle, similar to Granblue and Nubatama. However, despite those clans starting to peak out from the shadow of the lime light, it seems the power of Great Nature, a clan built up by Season 2, has gone like dust in the wind without a trace of any care.

However, that doesn't mean they have lost their bite.

With the Legion Campaign, this mark the release of the last 2 Great Nature cards until G Series, and it doesn't take a professor to see that it is meant for a big bang! This Legion Pair helps concentrate the essence of Great Nature to a more usable factor.

Let's start by looking at the main Legion Card:

Magic Scientist, Tester Fox

LEGION: Illusion Scientist, Researcher Fox

AUTO: (V) During your end phase, when one of your rear-guards is put into the drop zone, if this unit is in Legion, choose a card from your damage zone, and turn it face up. Then, if the unit put into the drop zone has the same card name as a unit on you (V), draw a card, choose up to two cards from your drop zone, and put them on the bottom of your deck in any order.

AUTO: (V) When this unit attacks a vanguard, choose one of your rearguards, and you may have that unit get +4000 power until the end of turn. If you do, at the end of turn, retire that unit. 

This Fox is out to experiment on anything it can find, even if it is himself! For those of you who are new to this clan, Great Nature builds power onto it's units, however, they have to retire the boosted units at the end of the turn. This is very troublesome as you'll need to find out which units are expendable. However, these cards always have a backup plan. 

Tester Fox's Legion Skill lets you flip any damage back up when you retire a unit. And then, if the unit is either Tester Fox or Researcher Fox that you retire, you get to draw a card and put 2 cards back to the bottom of your deck! This allows to make up for the loss of a unit, and also counters strategies that like to eliminate your rearguards or lock them down by leaving open spaces on the field for you to continue to play off of!

His second ability also combos with his Legion Skill, as you can give a power boost to a unit and retire it, then get your bonuses accordingly. Just remember what units you give the boosts to, or you may end up retiring all your units.

Now, let's look at the mate of this card:

Illusion Scientist, Researcher Fox

AUTO: [Counter Blast 1] During your end phase, when this unit is put into the drop zone from (R), if your vanguard is Legion, you may pay the cost. If you do, choose one of the units on your (V), search your deck for up to one card with the same name as that unit, reveal it to your opponent, put it into your hand, and shuffle your deck. 

This mate could not synchronize with her Legion any more than it could now! This card can effectively loop back into your hand, get played on Rearguard the next turn, given the boost and retired, unflip a damage, draw, and send 2 cards back, /then/ search your deck for another copy of itself to repeat the process with that damage you just unflipped! The combo just keeps going! It's amazing what animals will do when they actually try and study!

These two cards have set the bar for Great Nature, in my opinion. After studying the limited number of cards at their disposal, it wasn't too hard to make a deck out of them. I think I did get a good balance of what the deck should look like.

Grade 0s x 17
1x Acorn Master (Starter)
4x Ruler Chameleon (Critical)
4x Triangle Cobra (Critical)
4x Castanet Donkey (Draw)
4x Dictionary Goat (Heal)

Grade 1s x 14
4x Cable Sheep
4x Coiling Duckbill
4x Sea Stamp Otter
2x Taping Cat

Grade 2s x 11
4x Illusion Scientist, Researcher Fox
4x Binoculus Tiger
3x Pencil Knight, Hammsuke

Grade 3s x 8
4x Magic Scientist, Tester Fox

4x Honorary Professor, Chatnoir

Winning Image:

The deck is focused around stabilizing your hand and field while giving your power boosts, as well as hitting hard. This build is a 8 critical, 4 draw build, with 4 of the criticals being a card that can be used with the retiring abilities in an odd way. Really, I only put in Ruler Chameleon for the off chance you want to use his skill.

The starter is Acorn Master, who will help you set up either the Break Ride or the Legion in your hand. And you won't really worry about the Counter Blast used for this ability because of Tester Fox.

Grade 1's were a bit easier this time. Since Great Nature lacks a Quintet Wall, Cable Sheep will have to be maxed at 4 for Perfect Guards. Coiling Duckbill adds more draw power to your retired units, so you can build up even more hand. Sea Stamp Otter is more of a fail safe. He isn't able to be retired by skills, so if you don't have the looping combo ready, you can safely put boosts on this booster in order to avoid any losses. And lastly we have Taping Cat, a decent Soul Blasting Draw card to help fill the drop zone.

Grade 2's are made up of our Legion Mate, Researcher Fox, and 2 cats from a while back. Binoculus Tiger gives another 4000 power to a unit of your choice when it attacks, yet retires it at the end of the turn. However, you can stack this power up on a unit that already is doomed to fall to the drop zone, meaning you won't be losing much, or you can put it on Sea Stamp Otter. And lastly is Pencil Knight, Hammsuke, which is a good way to thin the deck as well as shuffle the cards you return. 

And lastly, we have our Grade 3s. Tester Fox is our main card, and honestly, he can hold up by himself. However, he can do even better with the Break Ride skill of Chatnoir. Chatnoir's skill lets you give a 4000 power boost to a rearguard when a rearguard attacks. And at the end of the turn, you draw a card and retire that unit. However, this draw ability can stack, and you do not have to retire to get the draw. This means you can target Sea Stamp Otter 2 or 3 times, and draw that many cards while keeping him in tact! Not to mention the 10000 power boost to your Vanguard!

Final Turn:

Why is no one running this?! After looking at how much this deck can really shine in terms of offense and defense, I'm shocked that I haven't seen this around anywhere! Great Nature players seem to have a bright future ahead, and I honestly can't wait to see what will happen to the Clan in G Series. 

Until next time:


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