Thursday, April 9, 2015

Fighters Collection 2015: Granblue. Pirate King of Abyss, Blueheart andIce Prison Underworld God, Cocytus Negative


The undead pirates have risen again, as Fighters Collection gives them new life with their new support! Will Cocytus scourge the seas of Vanguard?

 Fighter's Collection is about giving every viable clan support, whether it was dominating the current meta or sleeping for another day to come. And of course the Granblue has been waiting for it's day to rise. Being a somewhat underdeveloped clan, it is good in premise and if executed well, can be devastating, but it lacks the real punch that was thought to be given by reviving your rearguards overall.

These Strides, however, seek to change this. Instead of giving viable effects for calling the cards from the drop zone, Granblue has started giving cheaper ways to call from grave without needing to blow them up at the end of turn. Nothing ground breaking, but it definitely has its merits.

Lets start with the RR of the set, Blueheart!

Pirate King of Abyss, Blueheart


[ACT](VC)[1/Turn]:[Counter Blast (1)] Choose up to two cards from your drop zone, call it to separate occupied (RC).

An effect so straightforward, it might actually work. This is a simple mechanic that can easily build up the field for only a single counterblast. Since it's once per turn, you'll need to fill in a few spots, but getting 2 units for a CB of 1 is invaluable for this clan, especially if they gain their effects so easily. 

The one bad part is you must call over occupied rearguards. Sacrificing a few units to call new units, a bit of a give and take. You really need to plan your moves if you want this card to flourish. 

Next is the cold, unforgiving ruler of the underworld! Brace yourself for the Necromancers return!

Ice Prison Underworld God, Cocytus Negative


[ACT](VC)[1/Turn]: [Counter Blast (1) & Put three cards from the top of your deck into your drop zone] If you have a heart card with "Cocytus" in its card name, choose up to one card from your drop zone, call it to (RC). Then, if you call a unit with "Cocytus" in its card name with this effect, choose a grade 1 or less card from your drop zone, call it (RC), and that unit gets [Power]+4000 until end of turn.

This has a little more flair than Blueheart, but in certain situations it may be worth it. Cocytus mills the top of your deck to call a unit from the drop zone, but then you must call Cocytus in order to call another unit and give it a 4k power boost. This can only be achieved if the heart has Cocytus in the name, but it is a good setup for Blueheart's effect. Calling a Cocytus isn't too special, in fact it's better off to just use Cocytus Reverse for the heart and the call. But unlike Blueheart, you can easily fill columns without sacrificing units using this ability, which is one thing Granblue needs for it to be stable.

Granblue definitely has some potential, and if they get more support to accommodate their improvements in the Vanguard area, the deck has a good chance of receiving the major upgrade we've seen with lower tier clans. For now, I'm looking at this as a sign that the lower clans will be blessed with better support in the future.

This is my honest opinion.


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