Thursday, April 9, 2015

Fighters Collection 2015: Rain Elemental, Madu and Light Elemental, Pica


These cards have been the buzz of a lot of new decks, because they support one of the biggest issues of the game: 10k power grade 3 Vanguards. 

People keep debating on the value of using 10k Grade 3s. The 1000 power difference has seen to be a the past. But if you look at the mechanics nowadays, it's more of dumb luck of your Vanguard just so happens to get hit with "magic numbers" because the power is 1000 less. With most normal columns hitting 16k-19k without special boosts, the power difference is based on preference. 

But even if it's not preference, these two cards have boosted the value of these weakened Vanguards with their own unique abilities.

Rain Elemental, Madu

[AUTO]:When this unit is placed on (VC), if you have a Heart card with original [Power] of 10000 or less, choose a grade 3 card from your drop zone, and put it into your hand.
[CONT]:This card is also of all clans and nations.

This card may not reach the "magic numbers" of 26k with a 10k Vanguard, it makes up for it with its unique ability. 

If you Stride this card on top of a Vanguard with a Printed 10k power, you can add a Grade 3 card from your drop to your hand. This fixes the cost of ditching a Grade 3 card for the Stride, and for some cards who use Persona Blasts for their effects, it makes it viable for the stride to be used as you won't lose your resources, and can even bring back the Persona Blast by pitching another Grade 3 card for the Stride. 

Many new options are made possible, but of course there is still more with the next Cray Elemental:

Light Elemental, Pica

[AUTO](RC) Generation Break 1: When your opponent's unit attacks a vanguard, choose one of your vanguards, and if that unit's [Power] is 10000 or less, that unit gets [Power] +1000 until end of that battle.

[CONT]: This card is also of all clans and nations.

This card was tailor made for those who say that 10k does make a difference in defense. With a Generation Break, your Vanguard will gain the 1000 power boost when attacked, making it 11k.

Honestly, this is a little underwhelming when you do the math. There is a low chance that those numbers will be hit, when most rearguard columns are 16k-19k, and most Vanguard attacks are tailored to hit those 11k Vanguards or 13k Crossrides. If you really are insecure about those numbers, I won't stop you from using it, but personally it doesn't seem as potent. 

These cards were made for new decks to be formed and fits the theme of Infinite Possibilities. They may be RRs in the set, but they do shine forth to a new future.

This is my honest opinion


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